Textile conveyor belts for the highest demands

Textile conveyors have been designed to transport heavy material into thick pieces such as rocks, minerals and gravel. The coatings of these tapes are made with an extraordinary rubber resistant to wear, abrasion and cuts. The conveyor belts are antistatic. A low elongation of the conveyor belt is for us understandable and is the expression of our high quality requirement.

Fields of application

Special designs On request

Cloth core:
The core of our textile conveyor belts is composed of between 2 and 5 layers resistant to putrefaction of synthetic EP or PP fabric. These fabrics guarantee a good tensile-to-weight ratio, excellent flexibility and transverse flexure, reduced elongation, high load capacity and good chemical resistance.

The housing is protected with coatings. The qualities or the quality grades of the coatings are conditioned by the chemical and physical properties of the conveyor belts. In inclined or vertical systems, bands with profiled or studded surfaces are required. The thickness of the coatings depends on the properties of the transported material and the loading conditions.

Adhesive rubber:
The intermediate layers of rubber offer excellent adhesion between fabric layers and coatings, as well as efficient transmission and distribution of stresses between the fabric layers. In addition, they absorb the stresses generated by the impact produced by falling materials.